Our Community Development Officer Mr Wise runs sports, dance and other enriching activities during each half and full-term breaks.
With a brilliant team of local coaches, dance teachers, schoolteachers and teaching assistants from schools in the area alongside him Mr Wise has developed a very successful and very well supported provision that caters for children in the area and further afield from the age of 4 through to 16.
Mr Wise says,” Our camps have developed well over the years with sessions usually filling up very quickly”.” Prices are deliberately kept low to ensure they are affordable to everyone, and the sessions are very inclusive”.
“Most of our amazing staff work in local schools so the children know them already and this really helps as they are already aware of any needs they might have”. “It also helps when we have new starters as they see a friendly face and settle down quickly”.
A typical day on our camps is made up of 4 hours of coaching (10am to 2pm) with optional hours either side (9am to 10am and 2pm to 3pm) of free play where children can choose activities such as arts and crafts, sports, reading, colouring in, board games and jigsaws under the supervision of our staff.
Mr Wise continues; “Our philosophy is to ensure children are safe, educated, kept active and are able to make new friends and I think we have created an environment where that can happen and does happen regularly”. “We have lots or repeat customers and that tells me we are doing something right”.
The camps also boast a young leaders programme where we encourage students from our school, as well as other schools in the area to volunteer as assistant coaches and this has resulted in some volunteers progressing to paid roles with us once they have reached 16 and gained some coaching qualifications with some even going on to become teachers themselves.
“It is brilliantly ran. From first point of call – booking onto the activities, the choice of activity, all the staff, the option for wrap around, the cost &the meals. It’s a fantastic provision. Thank you!”
“Thank you
The kids have had great fun this summer. To everyone involved, you’re all fantastic.”
“Wonderful provision. Love that it gives the opportunity to try out loads of sports without any pressure. Thank you to the fab staff!”
“Thanks again for a fantastic 4 weeks, looking forward to seeing everyone in the next sessions”.
Alongside fee paying customers there are funded places every full term holiday through the Cumberland council HAF (holiday activities fund) programme that we have been providing since its’ inception in 2022. The fund was set up as a post pandemic fund to aid recovery from the pandemic of 2020.
We usually have funded places (with a hot meal provided) on the following camps:
Easter 4 days (80 places)
Summer 16 days (320 places)
Christmas 3 to 4 days. (up to 80 places)
Please click on the link below to find out whether your child(ren) might be eligible.
Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme | Cumberland Council
If your child has free school meals you can find and book free childrens' activities and events in the school holidays.
Easter Booking Form
Easter Menu 2025
To book please call or text David Wise on 07508063430 or email david.wise@sjchs.uk.