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Motto: Ausculta

Mission Statement: Living, Loving and Learning through Christ.

Theological Virtues

Faith: The virtue by which we believe in God.

Hope: The virtue by which we trust God.

Love (Charity): The virtue by which we love God.

SJCHS School Intent: Our curriculum is based upon the virtues of Faith, Hope and Love (Charity).

Establishing our curriculum under these three virtues ensures that our Mission Statement is fully embraced in our education and experiences of our children.

Our Virtues incorporate our spiritual, academic, and pastoral elements to ensure all pupils can develop their talents and skills, widen their knowledge of the world, and have full participation in the arts. We want all our pupils to discover new talents and interests and develop their existing ones whilst at St. Joseph’s and develop the knowledge and the skills necessary to live a long and happy life.


Faith: We teach our pupils to be faithful and to understand the importance of the Christian work ethic. Our faith demands that humility touches all corners of our curriculum. Faith sets high expectations and develops a behaviour curriculum that encourages all to discern whether their actions are virtuous allowing us all the opportunity to make better decisions in the future. Similarly, faith is important during our learning experiences as it allows us to develop great courage in admitting when we are wrong and having the compassion to show remorse and make the most of the opportunities given to us to catch up. This resilience and tenacity is key to our curriculum. Our staff and pupils understand that to be the best they can be, they must be humble on their academic journey, help others and seek help in their pursuit of knowledge.



Hope: To be diligent is to show care and consideration in one’s work and duties, and that is the mentality we constantly hope to inspire in our pupils through our curriculum. To understand the value of work, rest and play and the importance of a mindset of hope and growth. Our curriculum recognises that each of us have a purpose in this life and that we are all on a journey that requires knowledge, skills and encouragement from one another to develop our God-given gifts in the greater purpose of building God’s kingdom, here on earth. Our curriculum fosters knowledge acquisition and the development of truthfulness which is important for us to foster an environment for deep transformation of the whole person and living a life of abundance. Our pupils understand the importance of hope and the realisation that with hope that is honesty, not just honesty with others, but honesty with oneself.


Love (Charity): Through our curriculum we teach our pupils to be stewards of their lives, to love themselves and be caretakers of their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others, the planet, and their God-given talents. This results in a curriculum that is broad, ambitious and balanced so that our pupils understand that all creation is sacred and must be revered as such. “No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by love for others,” At St Joseph’s through our curriculum we raise generations to understand the meaning behind their actions, to revere life and to be the change they wish to see in the world. Our value for love (charity) dignifies life and drives us in our charitable works and our community engagement. The positive change we create as a school must transcend our daily lives and filter into all corners of our local communities.


We aim to deliver our Mission Statement by:

  • Recognising that parents are the first educators of our pupils.
  • Supporting our Bishop in making Christ known to all people.
  • Placing Christ at the Centre of our school and permeating our Catholic values into all aspects of school life.
  • Deepening our pupils’ understanding of Christian Virtues, the Gospel values and teachings of the Catholic Church and of their own spiritual potential.
  • Developing a curriculum that creates an aspirational achievement culture.
  • Creating learners who enjoy learning; acquire and retain knowledge and make good progress, achieve excellence and experience success.
  • Creating confident and happy individuals who are healthy, feel safe and can live a life of abundance.
  • Forming responsible active citizens who can and are making a positive contribution to the good of society.
  • Having a curriculum that is organised in such a way that it provides pupils with the opportunity to learn expected behaviours and be successful in their learning so that we can deliver our Mission and Aims.

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